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Insomnia Goodbye!

Written By Unknown on Saturday, March 12, 2011 | 6:40 AM

Trouble sleeping can be very annoying when this happens continuously, or what we call insomnia. In fact, there are a hundred ways to get quality sleep. Start by changing your diet before bed. Want to know how the next?

* Sort-select a snack before bedtime. The combination of carbohydrates that contain tryptophan, for example a bowl of cereal with non fat milk, will make us sleep better, rather than just eating one type of food only. Carbohydrates will help release chemicals in the blood that causes sleep disturbances, and will convey signals to the brain that your body is ready for a break.

* Eat cherry fruit. At night, try eating some cherry fruit. The experts found that the cherry jam has the same function with melatonin, a hormone that is released by our bodies that will keep your sleep patterns.

* Tomb of seafood night. Dinner with seafood, like fish, can make sleep more soundly. Cod, tuna, snapper, halibut, and shrimp, contain tryptophan, which is very good to help you sleep soundly. The amount is proportional to the turkeys.

* Avoid consumption of chili. Far-Far from the chili if you want fast asleep. Because eating spicy foods before bed can raise body temperature and prevent you from falling asleep, and also increase heart rate.

* Do not eat Chinese food. Chinese food, canned vegetables, soups, and other fast foods, famous for using a lot of seasoning (MSG). MSG can cause headaches and insomnia for most people. First check the label on canned food if you eat them at night.

* Choose a tea rather than coffee. Caffeine is known as a substance that helps us to stay awake. For example coffee. Replace this drink with a cup of tea. Tea contains only half the caffeine of coffee. Tea also helps us to let go of stress. If you can not stand black tea, try to substitute with green tea.

* The smell of lemon mint. Add mint and lemon flavor in your food or drink. Mint and lemon have a substance that can relieve breathing.
6:40 AM | 1 komentar | Read More

Insomnia Cause Death

There have been many accidents and health problems due to sleep disorders. Research on mice in the laboratory that continually forced to get up eventually die within two weeks. However, did not sleep in humans also lead to death?

According to medical records, the longest human survive without sleep is 11 days. That is evidenced by Randy Gardner, teens 17 years in 1967 continued to get up for 11 days for a competency dance. Over the past does not sleep he does not suffer pain and still be able to follow the competition. Finished the competition, he then slept for 14 hours and recovered his strength back as usual.

However, the example is a lack of sleep, which is very different from insomnia. "It is not unusual when someone can not sleep for several days because of insomnia," said Dr. Michael Thorpy of Sleep-Wake Disorder Center, USA.

Indeed there is a very rare case of insomnia, which is caused by genetic factors, that is fatal familial insomnia (FFI). The interference experienced only 40 families worldwide.

As a result of FFI, a person will suffer from panic attacks, hallucinations, decreased body weight, demenisa, and sometimes death. Sleep disturbance causes impairment of nerve function in the brain. FFI usually occurs in people of middle age and ends with death during the period of one or two years.

Thorpy explained, in most people, chronic insomnia is not directly cause death. However, lack of sleep can lead to serious health problems that increase the risk of death.

"Sleeping less than seven hours per day associated with declining cognitive function, especially loss of concentration, impaired memory, and koornidasi hands and eyes," said Thorpy.

The study also showed that people who suffer from insomnia more at risk of depression and anxiety. Insomnia is also associated with risk of heart disease and hypertension, obesity, diabetes, breast cancer, and headaches. That is why, people who suffer from insomnia must get a doctor's treatment.
6:39 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

More Difficult Only Sleeping

How to escape from the stress of life and restore stamina is best to sleep. Through sleep, the body will rest and the cells will be regenerated. However, sleep is not a simple job turns out. Work pressure and fast-paced lifestyle makes a lot of people experience insomnia.

There are often found it difficult to sleep, waking from sleep several times and it's hard to go back to sleep, or wake up too early, and sleep is not refreshing. In Indonesia, an estimated 10 percent of the population suffer from insomnia. "Insomnia is often undiagnosed and untreated," said Dr. FKUI Nurmiati from RSCM Jakarta.

Insomnia that lasts less than a week, also called transient insomnia, usually caused by acute stressors, circadian changes, jet lag and work shifts (shift work). Next insomnia that lasts for 1-4 weeks also called short-term insomnia. The reason could be because the stressor is berlangsur continue and drugs.

While the insomnia that has lasted more than a month or chronic insomnia is usually caused by disorders of the brain chemical, hormonal, or psychiatric disorders such as anxiety or depression. "We got stressors, stress hormones will rise and melatonin reduced. As a result we have trouble sleeping," said Dr. Nurmiati.

Insomnia certainly can not be ignored because it can affect adversely. Lack of sleep can interfere with productivity, causing fatigue, reduced memory, can even cause accidents. But who needs to watch out for is a physical disorder caused by insomnia.

Sleep is a primary need, sleep disorders will reduce the immune system so that the chance menculnya various diseases. "When sleep occurs repairs brain metabolism, immune system increases, as well as memory consolidation occurs just get and maintain a long memory so that our memory is better," said dr Nurmiati.

Treatment of insomnia, according to Nurmiati, should be comprehensive, both medical and nonmedical. "The first key is to find the cause and treat it. For example, look for sources of stress or anxiety," he said. When it became the trigger, usually insomnia did not last long.

If insomnia has lasted longer and relaxation therapy did not result in success, need professional handling. The doctor will give direction and type of insomnia that affects the handling of psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy to give appropriate
6:39 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Women More Often Insomnia

There are many factors that cause insomnia or trouble sleeping. In addition to psychological factors, such as stress or depression, insomnia is also associated with the influence of estrogen and progesterone. That's why women more frequently experience sleep disturbances compared with men.

There are women who have insomnia before menstruation, some of them complained of difficulty sleeping when entering the age of menopause. According to the explanation Dr.dr.Nurmiati Amir, Sp.KJ (K) from RSCM Jakarta, ahead of menopause estrogen production begins to decline. This makes the most of the women more often awakened at night because of heart palpitations or complaints arising burning sensation in the chest (heartburn).

In pregnancy also occurs hormonal changes that can disrupt sleep. As well as the enlarged uterus and bladder urge that pregnant women often wake up at night to urinate.

In women, in addition to hormonal factors, sleep disorders are also often occurs due to psychological stress. Call it a problem with a partner, employment issues, child affairs, broken love, until financial problems. Statistically, women are more often experienced this, perhaps because women are more sensitive.
6:37 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Health Problems Including Insomnia

Sleep disorders such as insomnia are advised to put in a big health problem because of insomnia correlated with many things. Various research linking insomnia with a lack of energy, concentration problems and disruption of relationships with a partner.

The ideal sleep duration is 6.5 to 7.5 hours at night. Less or more than that time turned out to be a negative impact.

Sleep disruption can trigger depression, decreased immunity and heart disease. People who suffer from insomnia at risk 4 times more likely to have problems in relationships, 3 times the risk of feeling depressed and 3 times greater concentration decreased.

Dr.Dan Robotham, senior researcher from the Mental Health Foundation says people with sleep disorders can be trapped in a vicious circle of mental health disorders that lead to more severe sleep disturbances.

"It is important that each person is more caring and looking for effective ways to break the cycle of it by improving the quality of their sleep," says Robotham.

Health experts in Britain are also asked doctors to better recognize the symptoms of sleep deprivation on patients. The impact of sleep disorders in adults and children as well as bad results.
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